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Previously Released Projects

Legendary's Forever

Every day is a chance to cement your legacy.

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Paid Partners

TRENtSetter & Don Ron has done a lot of music together for one another. On this one, they partnered up to bring you an instant classic.

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Hustler's Code: Mission DrIVen

Keep your eyes on the finish line. Stay driven for success!

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Familiar Feelings 2

Can you say Dejá Vu again??

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Hustler's Code: MON3Y Conscience

You have to visual yourself wealthy before it ever happens. Stay money conscience until it's engraved into your subconscious.

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Humble Beginnings Vol. 2

A reminder to remain humble through the ups and the downs!

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Hustler's Code: Born 2 Win

We are all born winners. Live life everyday with that mentality!

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Familiar Feelings

Every had that feeling of Deja Vu? TK sure did with this one!

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Hustler's Code

The perfect collection of songs to get any hustler through the day!

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Humble Beginnings

Never forget where you come from. Remain humble!

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